Monday, May 18, 2009

Goings on in the kitchen.....(part1)

When I went to clean out the kitchen cabinets and found plenty of mouse droppings I decided that cleaning them would not be enough....if they had gotten in before, they could do it we decided to tear out all the bottom this is after getting the countertop off.

And after we unscrewed the old cabinets from the wall and got them out of there...I could show you the nasty close-ups of mouse skeletons and mouse poop and maggots....but you'll just have to trust me on why we NEEDED to tear out these cabinets! They will be made use of in Jason's workshop in the basement.

These are the new cabintes we bought...just the cheap unfinished ones, and I painted them a cream color.

And I painted the top cabinets the same color for now. Hopefully someday new top cabinets will make it onto the priority list, but they're fine for now.

Since they had added plywood to the rest of the floor AFTER the cabinetry was installed, we had a bit of un-even-ness that needed to be filled in, so we added new plywood under the cabinets, and filled any holes in the floor or walls where critters might be able to get in.

:) This is one of the pieces of plywood. :)

This is the new cabinet configuration to include the dishwasher.

Here is where the pregnancy brain kicked in....when I re-configured the cabinetry to include a dishwasher....I didn't even think about the sink hole in the old countertop...heh.

Jason chopped off part of the counter to make the sink it's a little short on the refridgerator end...but it's just temporary until we get a new countertop.

:) I re-did this plumbing. I also installed that new faucet in the picture above. (I don't need to hear from any plumbers about how wrong this is, ok?) :)

This is the old range hood....

:) And this is the new one the boys installed for me a couple of weeks makes a big difference to me. :)

This is just part one of...probably 5 or 6 of the kitchen....but I've got some painting to do today, so the next part will have to wait until later this week...and there is plenty that hasn't even been done yet. :) But it's a start!


  1. Wow! You have done a lot of work! I love how it is all coming together!

  2. Joy, you never cease to amaze me! You & Jason are putting a lot of work into this place! I'm way impressed :) . My most favorite picture was definitely the close up of the plywood. So cute :) .

  3. I'm amazed! I like the kitchen. I don't think the painted cabinets make it seem country at all! I want new cabinets now!
